profile pict

Hello everybody!!! I am Fatiya from Sidoarjo and now I study in Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember located in Surabaya. As an Informatics Engineering student with enthusiasm and strong desire. I am a person who will always try until the last second. Armed with experience in organizing, actively participating in committees, and high interest in programming, web, entrepreneurship, and investment.

My Achievements

Contestant of National Competitive Programming (Nov 22)

HOLOGY 5.0 held by Computer Science Faculty of Brawijaya University

(College Student Level)

This was my first CP and also first competition I joined as an university student. Formed with three people as newbie, We can solve one problem. Nevertheless, it was an achievement for me.

Semifinalist of National Veterinary Olympiad (Oct-Nov 21)

VENOL 11th held by Veterinary Medicine Faculty of Airlangga University

(Highschool Level)

Formed with three people, We passed the region qualification and achieved 50 top ranking. In semifinal qualification, We ranked in top 15. Unfortunately, they took the best 10 to go to Final Phase.

RUNNER UP of National Essay Competition (Mar 20)

PHP 2020 held by Public Health Department of Malang State University

(Highschool Level)

Written in the theme of "innovation and creativity of the millennial generation in facing the triple burden of disease in order to achieve golden Indonesia 2045". The sub-theme I took was about Enviroment. My essay titled "Maslah Kuno yang Belum Terpecahkan kian Memicu Degradasi Kesehatan" is talking about plastic waste. It was an honour to got the second place, unbelievable.

RUNNER UP of District Jujitsu Fighting Championship (Dec 2019)

Jujitsu Championship among Sidoarjo Students 2019 held by Perguruan Besar Jujitsu Indonesia (PBJI)

(Junior E Level)

Was my last fighting championship because of pandemic in the next year.

© Fatiya Izzati 2023