profile pict

Hello everybody!!! I am Fatiya from Sidoarjo and now I study in Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember located in Surabaya. As an Informatics Engineering student with enthusiasm and strong desire. I am a person who will always try until the last second. Armed with experience in organizing, actively participating in committees, and high interest in programming, web, entrepreneurship, and investment.

My Experiences

Fundamental Programming Teaching Assistant at Informatics Department (Sep 23 - Now)

Provide assistance in Fundamental Programming Lecture. Consisting of C language, problem solving, and basic programming.

Scientific Committee of National Programming Contest (Feb 23 - Now)

SCHEMATICS 2023 held by Informatics Engineering Department of Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember

(NPC Division)

Exploring the code to deliver the great problem set for contestant.

Secretarial Staff of GERIGI ITS 2023 (July 23 - Aug 23)

(Data Management Division)

Managing the administration, data distribution, and assessment of the GERIGI 1TS 2023 participants. Also being a guide and facilitator for the participants during the events.

Programming Internship of Robotics (Jan-Mar 23)


Learning about fixed wing control and VTOL requirement including ROS, OOP, Image Processing, and its control.

Administration Staff of ILITS Forda Sidoarjo 2023 (Dec 22 - Jan 23)

IKARSID/INI LHO ITS! 2023 Sidoarjo

Managing the administration of every event, Collecting and archiving committee data.

Event Staff of National Logic Competition (Oct 22)

SCHEMATICS 2022 held by Informatics Engineering Department of Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember

(NLC Division)

Assist the success of the event directly in the field. Provide accurate, timely, and relevant run down both for the staff and contestans.

© Fatiya Izzati 2023